Monday, April 28, 2014


Salegy is the traditional dancing for the Malagasy located in the North of Madagascar it presents the common of several ethnical groups such as Betsimisaraka, Sakalava, Antakarana, Tsimihety. If you dance to move all of your body you seem to dance Salegy but there are many specific movements to describe Salegy to refer another dance. For examples, a woman dances Salegy she must wear wrapper as uniform ritually without shoes. The way to dance Salegy traditionally to make a circle and there is a representative dancer goes in the middle to dance and the other stand and clap their hands and sign together mostly, one person must be spoker singer to do “Jijy”.

         In addition to that, according to the dance progression the Malagasy invented Salegy compounds “KAWITRY
Kawitry is a dance shows typically Malagasy culture above all in North, the way to

dance kawitry is simple but it contributes surly tiredness because the woman moves their hips strongly in different position and the man stand behind the woman’s moving hips and touch tightly the hips. The couple dancers move their hips to go down and up down and up several times. That kind of moving hips calls Kawitry. It is the most popular dance in this island according to the show and clips which we see from the TV.
        To sum up, Salegy is famous, good and pleasurable. Many singers become rich and famous because of it, all Malagasy like dancing it and naturally for them to know how to dance Salegy.      

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

     I am Algatin Gualbert , 24 years old, I am from Madagascar  in Northeastern which is called Sambava. I was born in Andapa but I grew up in the capital Region of SAVA. I went to school since I was 6 years in the Elementary school names EPP Ambodisatrana. Now, I am studying English at University of Antsiranana. My major is English. I can be described as dancer if you see my style of life I spent my youth and my major time on studying and dancing because I really like to dance, that is why my point is to tell the Malagasy dance habits . So I will tell in my blog the dance according to the Malagasy tradition.

     For instance, dance is the way to show happiness for the Malagasy culture when someone dances it means there is something makes that people happy. According to the several tribes of Malagasy likewise Antakaran, Sakalava, Betsimisaraka etc, dance is the first instrument gives atmospheric in party, without dance no fiesta. But I am going to illustrate when does Malagasy dance? And to tell my own experience one dancing.

     Malagasy has three kinds of dancing in general:
First, the dance provides by Malagasy without musical appliances, it is traditional dance they clap hands and sign together so that movement produces dance especially after finishing the work together in the field, this expressing happiness calls OSIKY.
Second, modern dance, the Malagasy use the musical instrument to dance but it is still traditional dance likewise Salegy, Kilalaky, Antosy etc, each Malagasy tribes have their own traditional dance for example the Antakarana and Sakalava are famous on salegy.
The last kind of dance is an amazing dance, always the older person do that type of dancing, they come to cemetery in night to dance in order to ask to the Devil to jeopardize someone else life. They are probably called Night Grave Dancers.

My own experience in dancing is to make strong the relationship for collectivism because if you are a good dancer every friend or neighbor invite you to come in organized fiesta to show your talent and lead them in the way to move feet and hands when we dance, from that technical is easy for everyone to follow the steps.
Beside, dance contributes laziness and tiredness, to make clear it is spending calorie and time